Si vous voulliez aller grimper aux USA dans le célèbre site de blocs de Josuha Tree, sachez qu'une petite partie du site de Rattlesnake sera fermée jusqu'au 30 avril pour cause de tags !
Bah oui, là bas, quand on nettoie, on ferme le site...
Triste monde.
Because of recent and increasing acts of vandalism in Rattlesnake Canyon, Joshua Tree National Park is temporarily closing access to the area, from the day-use closure gate to the top of the canyon (see map pdf). To protect park resources from further damage, the public may not enter or use Rattlesnake Canyon at any time from April 8 through April 30.
Since January, individuals have defaced the day-use and canyon area of Rattlesnake Canyon with graffiti. While this started as a few markings, social media posts appear to have sparked numerous individuals' interest in adding to the vandalism of this scenic canyon. The continued malicious desecration of Joshua Tree National Park has now affected archeological sites.
This emergency closure will be in effect from 1 am Monday, April 8, 2013 to midnight Tuesday, April 30, 2013. During this time park staff will evaluate and attempt to mitigate the damage to the senic, natural, and cultural resources affected. The closure will be reassessed on April 30.
Joshua Tree National Park reminds visitors that we appreciate your assistance in watching for and reporting acts of vandalism or suspicious activity to park personnel.
Source : le site du Parc National
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